
Showing posts from September, 2010

Tomorrow is another trip

So at the moment, my emotions are running amok. I mean it in all sincerity. Now, it's not that I don't like Paris, because trust me, Paris is an amazing city, full of so much history- small yet stuffed to the core with culture, history, food, bread, nouggats, life. But (of course there is a but), it is not until now that I have realized just how much Madrid has meant to me. Not only was it the first time that I studied abroad in a country similar, though not really to my own culture, but it is also a place that holds many treasures in my mind. To this day, I appreciate the work we had to do to get our servers' respect at la Cafeteria Calvin. It really was all about building relationships. To this day, I thank Humberto for organizing the program the way that he does. We got to know Madrid quite well because that was what was expected of us, and in doing so, we also enjoyed it. Here, I don't have the facility of going out and getting lost on a bus or going to a different ...

Us Carls

You know we are everywhere! I say this because, first of all, I am here with a Gilman Scholarship. It is a scholarship from the federal government meant for students who receive the Pell Grant and who want to study abroad. Today there was a college fair for French students looking at American colleges and universities. Well, here they have both Fulbright and Gilman Scholars and they had a couple of go so that we could explain to them a bit about the educational system- the process, the financial aid, etc. I volunteered to be at this college fair from 1:30P to about 5P. Definitely met lots of parents. It reminded me a bit of when I was in high school looking at where I wanted to go. But I will say that it was interesting looking at it from an international point of view- I mean we had it easy because we live in the US but they had to go into the whole process in a completely different manner. Point is that there I got to meet a Carleton alum from the class of '04. She was a hist...

5th week

Hi everyone! So I know that it has been quite a while since I last updated you- frankly I have some very good reasons. Yesterday, Thursday the 23rd, we finished our five-week-intensive course program load. These weeks have been filled with the stereotypical French "grève" (strike) that so often fill history textbooks. The transportation has been hard to manage as there are so many more people. Meetings with internship directors, class visits outside of regular class time- we have had it all these past couple of weeks. That does include the sporadic weather conditions that we have been having lately. Before that, on that Monday, we had a Dissertation which is the French take on the essay. I decided no that I appreciate so much more English essays! Perhaps it is because writing a strong essay comes with years of practice and here we are trying to dive head-first into one. The week before that, by Wednesday, I had agreed to translate my host-mom's speech. At the moment, an...

Always too much to say

Well hi everyone! I am sure you missed me from the last time I decided to post something. This time I will talk to you about how crazy these first five weeks are going to be. To put it as simply as I possibly can- these first five weeks are going to be crazy and full of work. My first impression of Paris To begin with I hope to tell you about my first week here. Last time I finished by talking about the fact that I was at the airport in Amsterdam. Well, once I boarded the plane there at around 3:30P (around 8:30A CT), all I knew was that I was getting on a plane to my final destination for four months. Exhaustion can only hardly describe what I was feeling at that moment. At most, the flight was about an hour long. All I remember before that hour was getting onto the plane, getting ready for takeoff, closing my eyes (and somewhat waking-up to the departure) and then nothing. I really did just capitulate to the ongoing war of sleep; though I was quite pleased I did- I was just too ...

Tell me why

It took me forever to finish this essay. Please! As you can tell, I have finally finished this dreaded assignment. It has been a while since I have not felt so uninterested by the subject-matter at hand. Really- normally I can do well with the assignment. With this particular assignment we were supposed to make a choice between two questions- one about the ideals of a Republic before the 20th century; so that would mean that I would have to talk about the original concept of a republic- something that would have been much easier to explain in terms of taking up at least four pages. Unfortunately, I decided to go with the second question which was about the weaknesses of France after WWI- regardless of its perceived victory. Well, I believe that I answered the question as thoroughly as I could. I did not use any quotations or outside sources, as earlier I had asked one of our directors if we should. His response was that if we felt like we could write based on our notes from class, some...

I should be...

Cleaning? Working? Studying? Having fun? Eating? (Not)Sleeping Hey Everyone! So as my title suggests, while I would like to be doing those other activities- I should be working on my paper for Monday. But as all things, procrastination overcomes my greatest desires to work. I just wanted to let you know that I will be posting a series of, well, posts about my time up until now. I now I am a little behind, but I think that as soon as I finish this 4 page, 1.5 space, 12 font all-in-french paper about the effects of WWI in France, I will be able to update you quickly about my time here. Last night I did go out, but that is and entirely different story that requires so much more attention that I will be able to give it at the moment. I know this is quite short, but here are some pictures from this week's trips to Hotel de Ville, and the Senate here in Paris. Take care and I hope to post soon! Inside the Hôtel de Ville- Amazing architecture!       ...