Remote Work, Day ?

So, I know I said that I was going to get better at this, but alas, that is still something that I need to improve. Either way, here's the DL on last week:

We had a great call with the people managing our online platform. While there are features on it that students cannot yet access, we're excited about the things that they can access. And, more students are on the platform now than they were two weeks ago. However, there is still a long road ahead of us.

On an exciting note, I was able to go to Montgomery, AL Thursday and Friday. The entire Memphis team of the org where I work went to visit the National Memorial for Peace and Justice and The Legacy Museum. It was an incredible experience. I'm still processing everything that I saw, but it is absolutely powerful. We're excited to be taking students in March. Here's a brief reflection I had about visiting those sites:
All I can start with is “oh, wow”. Never have I cried a in a museum, and today is certainly the first time. My heart aches terribly. I read all of the narratives that were in the museum about slave trading and auctioning. I believe that for me, that was where I could make the most connections. Individuals talked about being ripped away from their families; children who just wanted a last kiss or a hug and being brutally denied that action. The feeling of despair when children realized that their parents could no longer protect them, and parents agonizing over the fact that they could do nothing to protect their children. Growing up in a Mexican family, family is at the center of the universe. Nothing functions without family. 
I personally can’t imagine being forced away from my parents or my brother or my sister. And yet, that separation is still happening. Yes race matters— especially when you are anything but the color of the oppressor. 
After reading all of the personal narratives, I had to stop. I have a knot in my stomach. As I sit, trying to sort my emotions and my responses, only one question comes to mind: Who would do such a thing? And Why? Why was this okay for so long? Why is it still happening? Why don’t more people care? How can I get more people to care? And from caring, how do we move to action?

Needless to say, it is worth the trip to Montgomery, AL.

Oh yeah, two Sundays ago, a car had run into mine as it was merging onto the left-most lane. Luckily, neither of us was hurt, and my father-in-law's car only had a few scratches. Not the best way to end that week. Then, this past Saturday, turns out my car had some issues with the second cylinder (spark plugs and coils anyone?). Again, this remote work is great because I get to visit my hubby in Chapel Hill. But, if these car troubles persist, I don't know that I can keep making it happen.


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